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Painting Zoom from Lisa Sonora Beam |
Root: 30 Day Journal project. If I paint what I want then....
I will paint:
More still-lifes....It has been years since I was physically able to vertically observe anything long enough to paint an observational still-life like this one. I want to find out if that has gotten better. (ummm ...just not this week but, after my body recovers from this current "project".)
MORE Beefy -almost 3D-paintings....thick, heavy, colorful, with lots of movement like: Confronting Ambivalence
Finished that one at the end of 2013 knowing I am on the verge of something creatively awesome. (The awesome is on hold temporarily but will get back to it soon.)
MAYBE incorporate some refined use of metallic paint (there is a little bit of copper incorporated into "Confronting Ambivalence" ...So, I think, like Klimt did with gold leaf...only different,more ME...and with paint.
so-o-o-o-o the other voice asks...(It actually asked first but, I chose to ignore it.)...
if I paint as I like then, "How will you pay your bills? buy groceries? buy pet supplies?" blah-blah-blah....
but these ARE very real, in-my-face concerns.
For a couple of years now I have been toying with the idea of setting up a barter and trade system at my studio...a formal-ish offer/plan to make fine art more affordable for people in my local community, including ME. Lisa's comment about Henry Miller trading his art for food and supplies reminded me that I really want to see if this is a do-able idea in my small rural community. (As followers of my FB page might remember; I get a little tired of the commercialism that invades everything.(Not un-like many other artists this sentiment makes art-marketing a bit challenging for me.)
For example:
Your selection of any art print from the studio "left-overs" bin in exchange for:

(matted, unframed) for: a lightly-used,but still-functional, small wheelbarrow (Painting by Pissaro)

15-20 pounds of assorted potatoes....
(insert other yummy surplus from your garden)
transportation to/from 3(local)appointments.
Other suggestions for barter and trade welcome!!! Check out the Project Rates then, let me know if you have goods or services(shoveling snow/mowing my small lawn/jobs that involve ladders 'cause I have promised to stay off of them) that you might like to trade for a bit of Fine Art.
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