Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16 The Groundwork

Root: 30 Day Journal Project 
Day 16
Although I don't mind my own company, I don't always enjoy the "quiet" that was imposed upon me. Oddly though, it isn't always as quiet here as it might appear from the outside. My mind is always busy and my hands are usually working to express what is going on in there.

Lisa's Rumi quote,
 "And don't think the garden 
loses its ecstasy in winter, 
It's quiet but 
the roots are down there riotous."

Gives me a visual flash of dormant activity.
This riotous roots concept is exactly what I had in mind when I made Still Standing Frame 2.

I saw this moss-covered rock and its companion on the path along the Greenway in upstate NY... I saw it right after my left leg gave out and I hit the ground. That was as far as I was going to go that day. Disentangling myself from the camera strap, I snapped the photo. Very slowly, anonymously, amidst the hush of the breeze and the damp on my knees; I made my way back to the house. 

It hit me how much like that rock I much time just laying there looking dormant but so many things were happening on the inside. Back in bed, I remembered this passage from Gathering Moss: 

Speaking of the mosses: "Their roots, vascular systems, and sophisticated water conservation mechanisms allow them to resist drying and stay active...most mosses are immune to death by drying. For them, desiccation is simply a temporary interruption in life...Mosses may lose 98% of their moisture, and still survive to restore themselves when water is replenished. ...their destiny is linked to the vagaries of rain. They shrink and shrivel while carefully laying the groundwork of their own renewal. They give me faith....They earn their freedom from the pain of change by total surrender to the ways of rain." ~Robin Wall Kimmerer

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