Monday, October 7, 2013

Down Time

Back-pack -check, camera- check, sketch book- check, unplugged-check.
Rapidly approaching burn out and meltdown, we made a break for it on Friday.

Firey Fall Foliage
Surprisingly warm weather and lovely fall foliage perfectly framed a long weekend away from it all. 

A Country Dog at Heart
Warm winds & drifting leaves were interrupted by thunderstorms just long enough to inspire 3 games of Clue and a bottle of Port. A perfect prescription for weeks of perpetual insomnia; the solitude, accompanied by a healthy portion of home-cooked pork, mushroom & sauerkraut stoup, induced seven hours of un-interrupted sleep. 
Did I mention the home made Concord Grape Ice Cream (from the fresh-pick 'em- yourself grapes we got at Jerome's in Naples , NY) that was in the freezer... m-m-m-m-m good.

Usually confined to the house and a dog-run in the back yard, my dog was over-joyed to be included on this retreat into the wilderness. Unaccustomed to such outings, we were all quite exhausted (and somewhat crippled) following an afternoon hike to the spring that quenches the house. Several hours later, I attempted to play fetch with him. I threw his stick. He trotted to it, plopped his body on top of it, and looked at me as if to say, "Go Lay Down."

I forced myself to exhale, rest and enjoy the smell of acorn and buttercup squash roasting in the oven in preparation for a yummy, spicey squash bisque prepared by loving hands (NOT my own). A speculative sports announcers' hum about the New York Giants and the opposition lulled me into an afternoon cat nap. "Turnovers, possessions, making their way back to the line of scrimmage..." z-z-z-z-z-z did somebody say "turn-overs"? z-z-z

Back at the studio in the village:
For the first time today; my grandson rode the bus from pre-school to visit with me in the studio. A session of construction site, four games of Candy Land, PB & J and a cup of chocolate milk later; we fed the dog and finished our after school time watching Elmo videos on youtube.

Returning to work tomorrow, I will continue preparations for the 2013 Allegany Artisans Studio Tour and the collaborative exhibition, A Round Now In A Square Time ,with fellow artist & friend, Allison Midgley.

The challenges haven't changed, the obstacles remain, but the blessings are recognized.

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