Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Intentionally American

"American Woman"

Living in the shadow of corruption which thrives on the general apathy of the people, active participation may be the most productive act of rebellion we will ever know.
To be a free citizen is a right which comes with great responsibility. Our nation is, and always has been, what we make it. Corruption will always take controlling action when the people do not stand in the way. Apathy and distraction fertilize the fields of corruption. America has not failed the people. Large portions of the American population got comfortable with the entitlements associated with being a “free” nation and, in our inactivity, we have failed the intent of her constitution.

In the midst of all of the accusations and epithets flying so loudly against “them” and “they” it is ever-so-easy to forget that “We, the people” has never meant, “They, the people.” The people of this nation must own the choices which brought us to this phase of national development. 

Understanding the part we have played empowers our inherent ability to create change. We are not victims of a failed intention but the owners of the opportunities which only responsibly active citizenship can provide. So many of our residents have failed to understand that the “They” we so often blame, is the same “They” that we allow to control the status quo.

It is easier to place blame and say, “What a lie!” than it is to take a hard look at the lack of responsible citizenship which allowed our nation to be lead by actions we can no longer tolerate. A constitution or declaration of independence only means as much as the paper and ink used to write it if the people do not read it, understand it, or actively ensure its successful implementation and equitable evolution. We cannot undo the past. There is no time like the present to get to know and understand the American Constitution and the power of the people which exists between its lines.

We, the people are required to choose leaders who believe and uphold those ideals providing them with the courage to act in service of our Constitution. We must select those who are unafraid to enforce its meaning, question its applications, and equitably interpret and implement its content to accommodate the growing diversity of our modern population. If those leaders do not yet exist, as free citizens who expect to benefit from leadership guided by the aims of such a document; it is our job to become them. Beyond that, we must be sure that we are creating them now. 


To those who have said, "Americans all have the same opportunities. Everyone has obstacles. It is up to each one of us to step up and meet those obstacles in order to "succeed." Blame is irrelevant."
I write:

It is my sincere hope that one day a New American Spirit will be born who will have the option to ponder these choices based entirely upon personal preference without any need to consider privilege or prejudice.


#Still Proud To Be An American (Nov. 13, 2016)

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