Monday, January 20, 2025

January is for Wintering

Wintering right now.  

In 2022, by request to support the Belfast Organization for Artists, I returned to social media platforms to communicate and connect. In 2024, a new job required a social media identity, too.

The last few years haven’t reversed my opinion that these platforms can be useful tools when used effectively and they are a tool which has been devised for behind-the-scenes accessibility that manipulates the users for marketing and profit. This is the cost of the “convenience” offered. Users beware. "Facts" are not the only fake stuff there. 

Though I have done a bit of crowdfunding to support the launch of the Art For Arachnoiditis Project, I've never set up monetization of my work via social media platforms. My online activity and bloggy posts have been living safely on Patreon supported by patrons there and by funding from other patrons who make tax-deductible contributions via Fractured Atlas. FA is a non-profit where patrons can also set up a recurring monthly payment or provide a lumpsum contribution to the Creative Wellness work happening here. Around much longer than Patreon, Fractured Atlas fully supports the value of the artists' freedom of expression as long as the work does not violate their Community Guidelines and anti-oppression principals. 

In light of recent Congressional choices and reversals that impacted many artists dependent upon that revenue stream, I am thankful for the patrons who've chosen to support my work via these less popular non-commodified, ad-free platforms. 

The last half of 2024 my focus has been, once again, on confronting the need for Reasonable Accommodations and the demands of debilitating medical concerns, acceptance, resting, and waiting. Waiting for rest to heal. Waiting for appropriate medical care. Waiting for Wellness actions to work. Waiting for renewed energy.  

Hope scrolling while I wait did help pass some of the hours in this holding pattern. Inevitably clarity arrives when I roll away from the scrolling and let wisdom walk in.

Closed for the season, my creative practice in my studio has been limited to arts services for my subscribing patrons on Patreon. 

Thankfully, they have continued to hold that space for Creative Wellness. Creative energy is required to heal what has been damaged. This year, I’ll be taking each day as it comes. That is the only plan I have in place. 

"I don't even have a pla." ~ Phoebe Buffay 

My guess is that I will be in my studio working through recovery and physical rehabilitation more than I will be actively involved in the community. 

The Rise Above Holistic Wellness center has closed. During the down time, I have also been looking at prospective host sites for future activities in the community that have a minimal commute time. Patrons will hear more about that first as information becomes available. 

Future studio projects depend on the support from patrons like you. 

Though you will still find my profile pages in social media places, you’re more likely to truly connect with me via email and/or participation on my Patreon. It’s free to follow. There is an abundance of free art and bloggy content for anyone who follows. 
Subscribing patrons get the most art. 
Increase, decrease, cancel anytime.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Infusers and Muses $1
$1 monthly Funds Tea4me. Thanks for infusing the muse! You'll get access to the Patrons-First Activity Feed where I post bloggy updates and ideas.
Early access to my work
Previews and Early Announcements about Events and Wellness Activities
Patrons-First Content Feed
Vote on Future Content

Drawn4U $2
$2 per month helps buy drawing supplies. Thank You! You'll get ONE monthly 8" x 10" Original Line Drawing digitally posted in the Patrons Only Activity Feed with an EZprint pdf version attached PLUS all benefits of the Infusers and Muses tier.

Creative Wellness Study Program pdf (FREE) + $3option to unlock archived coloring pages
Made FREE to all in Spring 2020, this $35 program is available in the public activity feed.
You can choose to subscribe at $3 or more per month to help fund this and other Creative Wellness projects at the studio. Thank you! You get Transformation to Wellness 5 Modules in pdf format
Free Five Modules of Creative Wellness Program Content in pdf format with Links to Creative Wellness Resources and References
Free Printable Wellness Activities and Worksheets
Subscribe at $3 and unlock Archived Coloring Pages

Wildly Mindful Things4U


Wild Allies 4 Wellness ~ Starting October 2024, Patrons subscribed at $4 a month and up will receive ONE monthly NEW post about Organic Things including: instructions, demos, and resources for organic creations used in drawing, painting, anti-inflammatory recipes, DIY crafts, and other behind the scenes mindfully wild-to-the studio activities connecting us to our wild allies. This content will also link back to previous projects in the studio and be released in the Patrons Only Activity Feed.

NewArt4U $5
$5 per month funds my creative projects. Thank you! Unlock a 30 page collection of e-z print drawings already in the patrons-only activity feed.
The 30 page printable pdf of 33 original drawings
Early access to my work
Patrons-First Content Feed
Vote on Future Content
Access to all Drawn4U content and Infusers & Muses Content